Circus Santa Julia.

Hello, in this post I will talk about my experience in the town of Santa Julia with girls and boys from four to fourteen years, throughout this year.

Well, I started going from the month of March of this year, thanks to my friends and colleagues from the university and my career who have been participating in that space a couple of years ago.

Last summer they gave a presentation of their circus workshop. At that time with a friend we fell in love with space and wanted to enter, we spent all summer thinking about it.

When we entered, we were a total of sixteen people and we started to do more workshops besides the circus like a football workshop, help with homework and art. Everything in relation to the needs of children.

Thanks to all the work of this year, a couple of months ago, we requested funds from the Valentin Letelier fund of the University of Chile and we won!

Thanks to this we can supply all next year with materials, resources, meals, toys, among other things.

And now that we are at the end of the year, we have many events in our organization and in the population such as a surprise Christmas party, the anniversary of the population and the celebrations of other nearby towns.
And in January we will have a "summer school" with children that will only play, walk and get wet.

I can say that the circus Santa Julia totally changed my life and that makes me feel happy. 

That is all, bye and good weekend. 


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