The career that I chose

Today I wanna talk how it was that i chose my current career: pedagogy in early chilhood education.

It all stared when I decided change the schools. I went to a professional technicalschool, where I chose thechnician in nursery. I studied the last two years of school that career. I went to different kindergartnes and baby rooms. 
We also prepared for the psu, they gave me a scholarship in a preuniversity and they registered us to give it.
After giving it and giving you the results. I had tu apply to a university and know what career I wanted to sutdy.  
At that time I was doing my professional practice as a child care technician and decided to study to be an educator. All my options were education of children, and my first choice of university was the University of Chile.And as I pondered 600 points in math, language and history, I was allowed to enter the university and I was selected to be the first generation educator from the University of Chile. 
From school to university I change my way of thinking about what the child and the babies is, the education, and being an educator. 


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